Another early start today, up at 6:30 for breakfast then finish packing before leaving Sigiriya for Kandy.
Along the way we stop at the Dambulla Rock Temple, yes you guessed it more steps. It seems everything worth see is involved with climbing steps. Again though the 15 flights of steps, as measured by my Apple Watch, were well worth it. It’s a Full Moon day here today so the Temple is very busy as people make offerings and enjoy being with family. Not sure how often Full Moon day and Good Friday occur on the same day but all through the day we see Hindu, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians all practising their religious beliefs in apparent harmony, very special.

Leaving the Temple Rock we enter the traffic mayhem once again, still can’t believe there’s no road rage all around us, Perth drivers would be going mental by now. Our next stop was the Highland Spice Garden, this is an amazing centre, not just spices bushes and plants growing here but the medicinal benefits they hold for us. Our guide told us about the benefits of turmeric for intestinal health, apparently 1/2 a teaspoon in a glass of warm water or milk taken on an empty stomach helps as a natural anti-inflammatory and to help kick start your metabolism. The one I was most interested in though is cinnamon oil, as well as helping with tooth pain, just like cloves, if you rub a little of the oil on your head just behind your ears it can help with tinnitus. As a long time sufferer I’m keen to trying anything. Needless to say we left with a few goodies in our bags. Oh and let’s not forget the open air massage from students at the local hospital, they offer the service as a way if getting up their practical hours on a donation only basis.

As we left the Spice Garden we said no more buying, with the wooden elephant from yesterday we’re accumulating quite a haul. So next stop was a batik workshop. My new shirt is pretty cool and Helen’s top is great, just hope Ella’s dress fits her and that Peanut #2 fits her little outfit. Oh and that the table runner is the right size for our table, did I mention we weren’t buying but merely looking at this stop. We did engage in some dress ups though…
Handsome huh! Cute couple
On the road again the traffic is even more insane, the local buses run to their own rules. They tailgate so closely you can read the time on the drivers watch, not to mention overtaking on blind bends and swerving all over the place. Coming in to Kandy the rain begins to pour down, in moments the roads become rivers and still the buses belt along. So glad we’re in a car and not on a scooter or in a tuk tuk.
Living area Suite bedroom View of the rain from our balcony
Pulling off the main road we begin a series of left and right turns heading up to the hills outside town, eventually we reach our hotel, The Topaz, situated on the top of a steep hill. The views would be impressive if only the rain would stop. Susantha has suggested we rest in the hotel and it’s grounds for the afternoon before a long day tomorrow of Botanical Gardens, Temples and the local markets. So we’re currently chilling in our suite, Helen’s reading and while I blog I’m watching the Eagles get flogged by Port, obviously they haven’t read the script.